Sunday, August 5, 2012

My deepest prayer at this time is that God would move us away!!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Today is a fustrating day as a mom.  i think a combination of being tired and not feeling well is about to send me over.   I think the kids need to get back to a normal school day.  I have a lot I need to accomplish but you know how it is when you feel overwhelmed it is hard to get motivated.   Church is weighing on my mind alot.  It is hard to be completely devoted when you walk in a room and hear conversations that really have no benefit at all to the person.  It is like they feel that everyone must hear their story and get as much sympathy as possible.  My emotions this time around are no longer anger,  but such a deep sadness of how christian behave and what they are willing to support in the name of either revenge or justice.   I have not and will not discuss the situation with church members however I feel that this situation is going to become very prominent in the church.   It is very sad.  My desire that within the next few years God calls us out of Xenia.  

Friday, August 3, 2012

      I really am not good at keeping up but oh well that's how life goes as a mom.   Finally have everything I need to start homeschooling except for a microscope.  I plan to get that in a couple of weeks.   I have chosen a variety of different companies based on the content and flexability of the programs.   Last week I went with the jr high kids to Camp with the church.  Tyler sprained is ankle but decided he wanted to stay and enjoyed himself.   We played alot of airhockey and bowled alot together.  It was a good week for us to be together before we start our homeschool year.
       Alot of conflict has arison again over the past couple of weeks which brings with it alot of emotion.  I have prayed alot for peace in the position I take and I always come back to the passage in John where it says if ye abide in Me ye will bring forth fruit.  You have to look at both examples and see who is living by the word of God and who is not.  No one is perfect and I know that even men of God sin and fall however I have sought the Lord on this and do believe that my faith that the incident in question did not happen as has been made out to be.   Enough about that.
     Tyler woke up pretty sick this morning.  He has been wheezing alot lately but not as bad as he sounded this morning.  Hopefully this won't last long.  I hate going to work and leaving him when he is sick but at least Kris will be here with him.
     Trying to focus on getting everything ready for the garage sale.  We need this for Nicaragua funds.
I am finishing up the passport papers and still need to find out about our shots and birth certificates.   I really need to get on the ball with it.  I sometimes would love to have an assistant. lol.
     I am getting off now to tie up a few lose ends before work.    Just a thought for today is to be always in the spirit of prayer.  Any moment can be a teachable moment if we are ready.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Why create a blog?  I have tried journaling many times over the past few years,  however I usually end up setting it aside and forgetting about it.  My children are growing up so fast I feel I am forgetting the little things in life raising a family.    My children are now 17, 16 and 13.   Maybe blogging will help me remember those little day to day things that are so important.